Wondering Why Do India Fans Have Only 3 Blades? Find Out Here

best 10 ceiling fans

Most high speed ceiling fans in Indian households have 3 blades attached to them. Read more to find out the reason. 

Electric fans can have 3, 4, or any number of blades but why Indian fans stick only with 3 blades? Well, the main purpose of a high speed ceiling fan is to create airflow. A good power saving fan can do that with a little noise. These power saving fans according to the working conditions and the required level of air supply.

Reason Behind 3 Blades Ceiling Fan

  1. In India, high speed ceiling fans are often the only independent resource to produce cool effects. Also, India is a tropical country with many temperate regions. Therefore, users need a high amount of air to create a cooling effect.
  2. For each study, the three turn out to be a large number of airflow and efficiency. Adding too many blades does not improve performance and can actually make it worse by dragging aerodynamics on the car.
  3. Technically, when the number of blades is small, the air supply increases. This is one of the reasons why industrial fans usually have only two or three blades. They can move faster and move more air. The resulting noise is less disturbing in those workplaces.
  4. However, even with the best 10 ceiling fans, the three blades seem suitable for air delivery and cooling comfort. Noise level is also appropriate for homes.
  5. With a high number of blades, the power saving fan tends to slow down and thus be quiet but still a little windy. Additional blades increase the drag on the roof fan and reduce speed.
  6. The high speed ceiling fan helps by increasing the efficiency of air delivery. Light speed fans are available on both types of foundations and the roof ensures better cooling. Ceiling roof fans have balanced blades as the wind blows high.
  7. In the US, the main requirement for a ceiling fan is to install an air-conditioner in the summer. In winter, most of these fans with a back switch can be investigated to turn around. This makes it easy to draw cold air and circulates warm air from heaters that are usually installed on the wall. Therefore, its followers are designed for a different purpose and can have four or five blades.

Therefore, the lesser the blades the more hgh speed your decorative ceiling will be. Visit Polar Electrics and get your high speed and low cost ceiling fan.

Author: polarindia

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