Ways to Effectively Clean Your Ceiling Fans

It is very important to clean the ceiling fans. Read this write-up to know a few tricks and tips about cleaning high-speed ceiling fans.

It is very important to clean the ceiling fans. Read this write-up to know a few tricks and tips about cleaning high-speed ceiling fans. power saving fanOne of the most favourite cooling appliances for people in India amongst the many others is ceiling Fans. It is also a necessity in a tropical country like India where the weather gets extremely hot and humid. Air conditioners do the job of keeping the atmosphere cool but it is very expensive and not everyone can afford it. That is why people prefer a high-speed ceiling fan. However, every electrical appliance needs to be maintained and that is why you need to clean your ceiling fans as well. It helps a fan to last long and also improves the physical appearance. As a result, you also enjoy smooth airflow. Here are some tips that will help you clean your ceiling fan.high speed ceiling fans

Tips to Clean Your Ceiling Fan:-

  • One easy way of cleaning your ceiling fans is by using a vacuum cleaner. If your vacuum cleaner has a wide dusting attachment which is flat then it is the perfect thing to clean your fan. The first thing to make sure is that the blades are cleaned. For this, you can either climb up a stool or ladder or take the blades out. Run your vacuum gradually in one direction across the blades and repeat it for all the blades. If there is any dust left then use a damp or moist cloth.
  • If you prefer cleaning your fans on a daily basis, then you might prefer one of those dusters with long handles. It is one of the easiest techniques to clean low-cost ceiling fans on a daily basis. First, cover the place below the fan with a ground cloth sheet to gather dirt. Always cover your mouth and nose with a cloth or wear a mask to avoid inhaling dust. You can start by dusting the rod slowly and the cover of the motor. Then you can start cleaning the blades in a to and fro direction. Repeat the process for the other blades too. You should use the same technique to clean the bottom of those blades as well.
  • Another efficient and effective way to clean your fans is by using a pillow cover. It is also the easiest amongst all the other techniques. All you have to do is take the pillowcase and slip it onto each blade. Then you have to pull it out. With that, all dust and dirt will come out.

These are some easy tips you can use to clean your ceiling fans. You can find power-saving decorative ceiling fans on the website of Polar India.