Tips and Ideas to Sharpen Your Mixer Blades

Mixer grinder is an essential electronic home appliance and makes sure that you take good care of it. Sometimes it is also necessary to sharpen the blades of the grinder. Here are some important factors which you must look into.

You definitely own a mixer grinder back in the home and you know that excess using of electronic home appliances leads to a certain problem in the appliance also. After using it for about two years you can see that the sharpness of the mixer blades reduced and hence it is not functional as before.  But there are certain ways through which you can easily sharpen the blades of your mixer grinder.

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So, here are some tips which you can avail to do the same:-

  • Pull the mixer from the base- The first step which you need to perform is to switch off the appliance and pull out the mixer jar away from the base. Make sure that no electric current is passing through the mixer.
  • Remove the blade – Once you have washed the jar make sure that you also remove the blade from the jar. To remove it rotates the blade clockwise. You will see that this will enable you to get the blade very quickly just in your hands. After you got the blade you will see that you got different parts from it that includes base and ring.
  • Wash the blade properly- Whenever you buy mixer grinder from online appliance stores you will notice that in the manual it is advised that you must wash the blades of the appliance at regular intervals. This will allow removing all the dirt from the blades. You can wash the blades using soapy water but be careful while washing it as you should not hurt yourself through its edges.
  • Sharpen the blades- Now it’s time to sharp the blades of your mixer. With a sharpening stone run it on the edges of the blade. Place the stone in such a angle which is close to the already sharpened edge. Make sure that you must keep the blade away from your body so that you won’t meet any kind of accidents or injury.
  • Reassemble the blender – Now that you did with sharpening your mixer grinder blades, then the next thing which you need to do is to reassemble all of them and give a trial run. And now that your mixer grinder is all set to run you will see that it is providing you a similar blend like before.

Save Energy and Electricity Bills with Ceiling Fans

When you buy ceiling fan online, it is must that you keep in mind the valuable features and benefits of the ceiling fan. This is the reason why this electronic appliance is still in high demand.

By now you must have heard that ceiling fans are really helpful to lower down your electricity bills but you might unaware about lots of fact regarding it.  Also, you might have many doubts regarding it.  But, if you literally want to compare between air-conditioner and ceiling fan, you will see that ceiling fan consumes less energy than an air-conditioner.  This is one of the reasons why most of the people still prefer to buy ceiling fan online.

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It is said an air conditioner consumes around 3,500 watts of the total energy while ceiling fan while only consumes about 60 watts. This not means that you must stop using the air-conditioner. You can use it while sleeping at night and for rest of the day it is advisable to use the ceiling fan at high speed. It can be assured that a ceiling fan indeed can totally lower your electricity consumption level. Thus, here are some ways through which you can save your energy.

  • Set the temperature of ceiling fan higher during the summer season- To reduce the pressure on your air-conditioner make sure that you increase the level of your ceiling fan. It will enable you to spread a cooling effect all over the home. Thus, it makes the room more comfortable and breezy.
  • Turn off the ceiling fan when not using – While you can put your air-conditioner on a timer but not your ceiling fan. You need to manually turn it off when not in use. This is one of the most important things to save electricity. You have seen several instructions like that while doing online shopping for home appliances.
  • Put the fan in a counter-clockwise direction during summer- Most of the ceiling fans nowadays have the feature of clockwise and counter-clockwise setting. It is advisable that you set the blade in a counter clockwise during the summer season as it is suitable to spread more breezes. Also, it will enable your ceiling fan to blow directly down as well as it will continuously help to blow the breeze down.